Our Clients Say

"Ernie’s personal greeting to each and every client as they enter the clinic is a nice touch.  His genuine care and concern for his patients is evident.  I actually look forward to going to physical therapy!” ~Cheri

Ernest Ledesma

Live Well with Ledesma!

Physical Therapist: Ernest R. Ledesma, Jr., PT, Graston Cert. and Owner

A graduate of GA State University Physical Therapy Program in 1992, Ernest has developed successful rehabilitation programs for runners, triathletes, and cyclists suffering from overuse injuries or faulty biomechanics. Ernest has been an avid cyclist, duathlete, and triathlete for over 19 years with 11 years of biking fitting experience for beginning, intermediate, and advanced cyclist's and triathletes. He has also provided educational lectures for South University's Physical Therapy Assistant Program and sport specific lectures to the Savannah Triathlon Team, CREW training program members, and the Leukemia Society Team in Training members.

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