Our Clients Say

“I shall always be grateful for Ledesma Sports Medicine [who] has encouraged me to continue in an excellent program to allow me to reach my goal of 100 years+.  I am 79 years [old] and am very mobile thanks to Ledesma.” ~Carolyn



Ledesma Sports Medicine Connects You with Successful Living
Take advantage of the local and national partnerships with free clinics and community events! 

Ledesma Sports Medicine is proud to present the first Alter G Treadmills in the Savannah area. Don't shy away from fitness and health because of joint pain or injury. Alter G removes stress from your knees, ankles and feet by reducing gravity's pull in an airlocked chamber. Developed for NASA, Alter G can help an athlete train or an injured person to walk again! ONLY AT LEDESMA in Savannah, GA.

Alter G Website
More about Alter G at Ledesma Sports! 

Quality Bike in Savannah, Georgia provides a huge selection of new and used bicycles. They also support charitable events such as the Wounded Warrior Savannah Unity Ride and others. Website.
 The Bicycle Link located in Downtown Savannah provides bikes, maintenence and accessories. Check their website here.

Ledesma Sports Medicine is a sponsor of Savannah Save-a-Live. For more than 4 decades Save-A-Life has assumed a leadership role in advocating low-cost spaying and neutering in order to help prevent the wholesale slaughter of unwanted, homeless dogs and cats. Learn more about their mission here.

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