Our Clients Say

 "In the beginning, I had walked for only six minutes... [now] at age 87, I now walk without any assistance!  I recommend Ledesma Sports Medicine to anyone who is unable to walk and really wants to try again!” ~Tom H.




Live Well Events

August 2013

Ledesma Sports Med - Title Sponsor for Rails to Trails


Please join Ledesma Sports Medicine, Run 4 a Reason, Lowcountry Ultras, Fleet Feet Savannah and help save our Rails to Trails for this EPIC event on January 11, 2014 at 8 AM for the 2nd annual Ultramarathon (50K, 25K, 10K, and 5K)!” “The goal of this race is to raise funding and awareness for the severely eroded conditions on parts of the Rails to Trails “Learn more and register for this event”

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