Our Clients Say

“Ernie is a doll.  When I first came, I had a 10 degree bend in my left leg. I had been to every therapist in town, but no one was able to straighten my leg after meniscus surgery.  Ernie did hands on therapy to break up the scar tissue!  He is awesome!”  ~Lorraine

The Jingle Bell Run is a Success!

November 2011

The Jingle Bell Run is a Success!

Ledesma Sports Medicine supports the 5K Jingle Bell Walk/Run event in support of the Arthritis Foundation. Ernest Ledesma designed the 2011 racecourse and the whole team assisted on Race Day.

Saturday, November 19th - Registration Starts at 8:30am and RUN starts at 10am

The Jingle Bell Run/Walk® is a fun and festive way to kick off your holidays by helping others! Wear a holiday themed costume. Tie jingle bells to your shoelaces. Run or walk a 5 (CROSS COUNTRY)kilometer route with your team members and celebrate the season by giving.

Sign up here!


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