Our Clients Say

“Ernie is a doll.  When I first came, I had a 10 degree bend in my left leg. I had been to every therapist in town, but no one was able to straighten my leg after meniscus surgery.  Ernie did hands on therapy to break up the scar tissue!  He is awesome!”  ~Lorraine

Cycling Training Program


Cycling Training Program

Our clinicians are advanced cyclists who also understand common training injuries sustained from cycling training and racing. We will develop specific rehabilitation programs to allow cyclists to return to competitive or recreational cycling in a rapid manner. Ledesma's unique combination of bike fitting analysis with our advanced Dartfish analysis technology and traditional physical therapy interventions will enable cyclists to train and race safely and with less risk for further injury.


What about programs to help athletes improve or prevent injury?

What are some programs you have for sports injuries?

How do you diagnose injuries or find areas of improvement? 
We believe a solid diagnosis is the foundation for effective care. We use our expertise combined with cutting edge technology including:

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