Our Clients Say

"My therapist, Ernie, is simply the best and I'd recommend him anytime.  The level of attention he provides and sincerity in my well-being is nothing short of outstanding. The entire staff is professional and remarkably friendly and I am really impressed with how they work with their patients."  Betty S.

Dartfish Running Analysis


Dartfish Running Analysis

With this blend of technology and experience, we are able to make recommendations to athletes for improving running form/performance and to determine running style, leading to recommendations of a suitable running shoe or orthotic. We help you gain an edge by capturuing your movements in slow motion for playback and analysis and realizing areas for improvement. Decrease your risk of injury and even increase your performance competitively for marathons, triathalons and other running events.


How do you diagnose injuries or find areas of improvement? 
We believe a solid diagnosis is the foundation for effective care. We use our expertise combined with cutting edge technology including:

What are some programs you have for injuries?

What about programs to help athletes improve or prevent injury?

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