Our Clients Say

“I shall always be grateful for Ledesma Sports Medicine [who] has encouraged me to continue in an excellent program to allow me to reach my goal of 100 years+.  I am 79 years [old] and am very mobile thanks to Ledesma.” ~Carolyn

Submax VO2 Testing


Submax VO2 Testing

Our facility utilizes the Korr Cardio Coach CO2 Metabolic System to analyze an athlete's submax VO2 for either running or cycling. This data can be effectively used by the athlete to derive at the optimal heart rate training zones for peak performance and caloric expenditure.


What programs are available to help athletes improve or prevent injury?

How do you diagnose injuries or find areas for atheletes to excel? 
We believe a solid diagnosis is the foundation for effective care. We use our expertise combined with cutting edge technology including:

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