Our Clients Say

"[The staff] were happy to explain the 'why' of all of the exercises. My time here is nearly over and all of my back and knee problems are a thing of the past.  I’m going to miss this place - a rarity when facing physical therapy." ~Sue

Injury Screen


Free Injury Screen

We offer free injury screens at Ledesma Sports Medicine to evaluate injuries sustained from walking or running. To make an appointment at Ledesma Sports Medicine, please call 912-401-0443 and request an "injury screen".

We also offer free running/walking injury screens at Fleet Feet Sports on the 3rd Saturday of the month. To schedule an appointment at Fleet Feet, located at 51st and Waters Avenue in Savannah, GA, please call 912-355-3527 and request a free "Ledesma Sports Medicine Running Injury Screen".

See our other Partnerships in the Savannah area!


How can physical therapy help my everyday living?

What are some programs you have for injuries?

What about programs to help athletes improve or prevent injury?

How do you diagnose injuries or find areas of improvement? 
We believe a solid diagnosis is the foundation for effective care. We use our expertise combined with cutting edge technology including:

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