Our Clients Say

"Ernie’s personal greeting to each and every client as they enter the clinic is a nice touch.  His genuine care and concern for his patients is evident.  I actually look forward to going to physical therapy!” ~Cheri

Physical Therapy


Physical Therapy

Physical Therapy is the practice of healthcare, which addresses musculoskeletal disorders using exercise, modalities, and manual skills. Physical Therapy is provided by a licensed clinician who has successfully completed an accredited physical therapy program as well as a state board licensure exam. Our clinicians are able to provide physical therapy services to treat disorders of the muscle, tendon, nerve, and joints.

Is physical theraphy only for the injured?

No. Physical therapy is a practice that can help eliminate bad habits of walking, running, sitting and other everyday activities to relieve everyday back, joint and body pain. We also create programs to train competitive athletes.

How can physical therapy help my everyday living?

What are some programs you have for injuries?

What about programs to help athletes improve or prevent injury?

How do you diagnose injuries or find areas of improvement? 
We believe a solid diagnosis is the foundation for effective care. We use our expertise combined with cutting edge technology including:

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